Friday, February 26, 2010

Hair extentions, best method? and what is a resonable price for them?

I'm looking to get myself some hair extentions, I want them to last at least 6 months, and I don't want too pay to much in maintaning them.

I've looked up hundreds of sites but it's quite confusing since there is so many different methods. Can someone clear this up for me?

(I don't want clip ins)Hair extentions, best method? and what is a resonable price for them?
hello I am a hair stylist and extensions are my thing. I you're Caucasian and you don't want clip ins than the best method for you is to get infusions and it should last for at least 3 to 4 months depending on how well you take care of your hair and and how fast your hair grows. Good luck and remember an educated stylist will sit down with you and go over some of the best options for you and be sure to express your needs and as far as how long you want to wear them and so on. And remember you can get it done for a cheap price but make sure that the person is knowledgeable and clear on what you can expect. sorry so long I hope I answered your question. Full Head of infusions= around 200 plugs price ranging from $500 to $1200.could be cheaper if you purchase your own hair- check out eBay.

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